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Tasty Chicken Salad Recipe - Simple!

Very delectable indeed and it involves a juicy lemon!

I have borrowed (stolen) this recipe from Doctor Josh, who very much enjoyed impersonating Gordon Ramsey. Actually, that is unfair. Doctor Josh is relatively placid and bares much more of a resemblance to the Swedish Chef from The Muppets.

We love this dish as it makes us feel as though we are eating healthily.


Chicken: 2 Chicken breast fillets

1 Garlic bulb

1 Juicy lemon

1Tsp Dried oregano



Salad: Greek Style salad cheese (Lidl is best!)

Mixed Peppers (one of those multicoloured 3 packs)

1 Avocado

1/2 Cucumber

Lettuce (1 or a small bag)

A few small tomatoes

Some olives

1. Put the chicken breast fillets in a plastic freezer bag, avoiding the temptation to put them in your bra. Voila - chicken bag!

Doctor Josh's Top Tip!: Use the freezer bag as a glove to avoid contaminating your hands.

2. Grab a chopping board and your garlic cloves (to taste - we use 3 'healthy sized').

3. Peel the garlic (fiddly and annoying) and place the flat blade of a knife

over the cloves and crush (satisfying). This is to create 'flaked, fragmented garlic with all the oils released' (Doctor Josh's words - not mine!)

Doctor Josh's Top Tip!: Make sure the garlic is crushed into chunky pieces to tinge the surface of the chicken with the flavour. Finer pieces would cook and you don't want that!

Doctor Josh's Top Tip!: Clean the chopping board as you go to avoid contaminating things with taste and bits.

5. Add the garlic to the chicken bag.

6. Chop a lemon in half and juice it, half by half. You may need both halves but one may be enough - it all depends on how juicy it is!

Unfortunately, our lemon just wasn't juicy enough so we needed both halves.

7. Pour the lemon juice into the chicken bag.

8. Add salt and pepper to taste (we add a few twists of each).

9. Add a teaspoon of Dried oregano.

10. Fill her up (chicken bag) with olive oil. Be fairly generous here - she is crying out for oil like the tin man (Wizard of Oz - which you must watch!)

11. Seal the bag with as little air in there as possible.

12. Mix everything through to evenly coat the chicken.

Please note: the chicken bag will now resemble two anaemic clumps of flesh splattered with vomit. This is normal.

13. Leave the chicken bag for around 20 minutes.

14. Crank on your grill to high heat. We use the George Foreman (which I highly recommend!) on full heat.

15. Whilst the heat picks up, chop the salad up ready. Chop chop chop.

16. Sizzle the chicken (it has to be sizzling, apparently, otherwise it will taste 'beige'). Sear it hard!

17. After a minute of sizzling, pour over the remaining bag juices. Yummy.

18. Sizzle until fully cooked. This usually takes us around 6 minutes using the George Foreman.

Serve up the chicken with your salad and voila - tasty chicken salad!

- Balsamic Vinegar Glaze is optional but highly recommended for drizzling over the salad.

- Mayonnaise is also optional. I personally think that it is an exquisite addition, but then again I do also deem mayonnaise a necessity for Sunday lunch, chicken stew and pizza.

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